I'm engaged- actually, I have been since March 28th!!! Surprising, isn't it? Yep, to me too! I just really was never sure when- or even if- it would actually happen to me. And honestly, I never cared either way. I have always been of the mindset that yes, it would be great to find my "dream man" and marry him one day, but at the same time, it would just be the "icing on the cake", so to say! There's always so much stuff going on in my life, that I always felt I wouldn't really miss anything if I never got married.
But now I can say I am truly engaged to who I believe is the perfect match for me! Phil is awesome, and he doesn't put up a fuss with being called Piglet :) His proposal was casual and non-chalant (he asked me while we were out for a run), and we're trying to approach our wedding with the same persective- no stress, just have fun with it! We're looking at February 8, 2010 as our wedding day.
For those who are curious, I do have an engagement ring...I'll try to get pictures posted sometime soon. But use your imagination- if you know me, you know it doesn't look like a normal engagement ring! :P
We'd appreciate your prayers and support as we enter these foreign waters of
wedding planning!!! Yikes! My roomie has already been a big help in decifering fancy pancy restaurant food words :) Its crazy, this wedding stuff- and don't worry, my wedding won't be normal either!!!